Saturday, February 13, 2010

Three Things

I know that I've been a huge blogslacker (I believe that's pronounced [bløʒ ʃla kə]) as of late, and I actually have two new posts percolating at the moment, but considering the hour, I suppose it's best if I just jot down a few fleeting thoughts before bed: 

**I'm really depending on the macaroon to become the new cupcake, for a few important reasons: I'm moving to the big city soon, and it's always been my understanding that a major part of big-city-living is based around the consumption of the current trendy dessert and the subsequent comparison of trendy dessert establishments. (Granted, I learned this from Sex and the City, but even Liz Lemon does it, so I know it's real.) And unlike cupcakes, macaroons are naturally glutenfrei, which means that I won't have to miss out on an opportunity for ironic trendiness or pay $.70 more for my glutenless cake ($7.70 more if I'm buying by the dozen(!)...though if I ever buy a dozen cupcakes for myself, it will be a sad, sad day already). Still, I wouldn't mind buying gluten-free cupcakes sold out of a truck for $3.25 on Tuesdays. Maybe someday there'll be some sort of macaroon speakeasy? Where they sell the peanut butter and jelly/hamburger/bathtub gin ones?
Now it's 2:15 a.m., and all I want is a cupcake. I have a pretty strong feeling that I'll be visiting here shortly after my arrival in the Windy City. so.pretty.

**I watched the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games tonight and was pretty much on the verge of tears throughout the entire three hours. Even when you consider the overwhelming amount of international fraternity, references to recent tragedy/past glories and aboriginal dancing that made up at least 96% of the ceremony, that kind of emotional display is pretty unusual for me, so I sent out a text to some of my closest friends that read: "I'm tearing up (in a good way) whilst watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics...what is wrong with me?!" I think that the responses I received say a lot about the special relationship I share with each of them: 1) Ur the bomb. 2)The olympics are epic even if u don't like sports. It's just emotional. The end. 3) You're a fag.

**I wish that I had $65 to spend on pillowcases. If I did, I would buy these.

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